Chance Coffee With the Former Mayor

26 April 2024

Chance Coffee With the Former Mayor: 

You never know who you’ll run into when you journey downtown Jasper!

Every day, Jasper reveals its intrigue, offering countless chances to connect with remarkable people and their unique perspectives.

My husband, John, struck up a friendship with former Jasper Mayor Steve Lawrence a couple of years back. John’s always admired him—not just because they’re both vets and Legionnaires at Post 149, but John is a people person who absorbs the lives, stories and experiences of the interesting people he meets. Steve has got stories!

Yesterday marked the reopening of Red Bean Coffee Roaster on S. Main St, and I couldn’t miss the chance to toast Kebra and enjoy my favorite Cherry Cordial Frappe. As I sat with my coffee, I joined Kebra chatting with Steve and his wife, Kay.

It took a moment for me to recognize Steve; he’s been battling back from cancer surgery. But, being the extroverted introvert that I am, I introduced myself formally (as we had not met in person), and I’m so glad I did.

A local couple, both deeply rooted in Jasper, embodies the epitome of positivity when it comes to the city’s evolution, the influx of newcomers, and the untapped potential of Jasper. Kay, having grown up in Jasper, recalls when Cove Road was just a wilderness of mountains and trees, yet she finds joy in witnessing the vibrant lives flourishing in those same hills today. Rather than resenting change, she sees it as a blessing, reveling in the prosperity of her hometown.

As we talked, I shared insights from Jasper, GA News on why folks are drawn to our town—most notably, the love for our local scene.  A valuable resource that we have with the group is requiring those that are not from the area to explain why they wish to join the Jasper, Ga News group. And despite declining 2 out of 3 requests, our group sees a steady influx of new members, 400-500 per week. The top explanations for joining the group are as follows;

I live in Canton but do my shopping in Jasper. 

I live in Canton but I’m moving to Jasper. 

I live nearby and like to keep up with Jasper events.

We don’t live in Jasper but we love to visit and shop. 

I drive through Jasper regularly and love to stop and eat. 

I live in Canton and I’m moving to Jasper. 



This suggests that people enjoy visiting, shopping, and driving through Jasper’s scenery. They come, spend money, and then head back home. This pattern benefits us greatly. As Steve pointed out, Jasper’s growth will always be capped due to two key factors: being situated on a dead-end interstate, and having limited water resources. While the area will continue to develop and flourish, there’s no threat that it will transform into a major metropolitan center. This realization allows us to wholeheartedly support downtown revitalization, attract new businesses, and warmly welcome newcomers, knowing that our beloved mountain oasis won’t vanish in the process.

I recently had a conversation with a new local business owner who shared their journey of selecting a location for their restaurant. They recounted spending several days in downtown Canton for research, only to find it lacking in vitality, describing it as “dead” compared to the vibrant atmosphere they experienced in Downtown Jasper. Witnessing people eating, strolling, and interacting.

Upon hearing this, Steve and Kay exchanged smiles, acknowledging the impact of their efforts. Steve shared how, a decade ago, they set out to rejuvenate downtown Jasper with hopes it would rival Canton. Now, looking at the thriving community and hearing our insights, they proudly reveled at the idea that Jasper has indeed surpassed Canton in its appeal as a destination.

Jasper isn’t just a place of scenic beauty and tranquility; it’s a destination of entertainment and warmth! Despite the prevalence of negativity on social media, which often overshadows the positivity, it’s important to note that only about 1% of the individually expressed attitudes toward the community and its evolution are negative. The vast majority of Jasper’s residents are incredibly kind-hearted, generous, and hospitable individuals.

I highly recommend everyone take a look at Steve’s blog to gain deeper insights into Jasper, coming from someone who served as mayor and genuinely believes in the community’s positive aspects. Both he and his wife have been actively involved in almost every town organization, and it’s rare to hear them utter a negative word about anyone or any business. They have an unwavering belief in the goodness of people, and there’s much we can glean from their approach to adapting to change. When it comes to opinions, those who have dedicated their lives to serving and living here hold the most valuable perspectives.

We wish you well in your healing, Steve!

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